
Fass Change Log

A history of changes between Fass versions.

Key: NEW = new feature, CNG = change, FIX = bug fix.

Version 0.8

NEW: Completely rewritten preview generation code (unfinished but it's already an improvement)
NEW: Fass now distributed in an installer, includes uninstall support
NEW: Branding settings - can display custom text in title bar and disable various program features
CNG: Line breaks supported in insert menu (see insert.txt)
CNG: Updated the default preview.txt with CSS and XHTML code from the IPB 1.3 topic view
CNG: ReadMe.txt converted into HTML page
CNG: Only one instance of Fass can now be run at once to avoid possible conflicts

Version 0.7

NEW: Added option to turn off post preview integration in preferences
CNG: Post preview is now integrated into the main dialog
CNG: Typing "www" into a URL field in the post generator automatically adds the "http://" prefix
FIX: Fixed several conditions under which the auto-generated fields in the post generator would provide the wrong results or error messages
FIX: Fixed repeated error message when trying to enter a URL into the manual post generator
FIX: Fixed automatically generated fields not clearing in manual post generator when their source field was edited

Version 0.61

FIX: Fixed crash when attempting to use a URL with more than 4 periods in post generator auto-URL field
FIX: Fixed auto post generator skipping the next step after user input with text copied to the clipboard
FIX: Fixed invalid property value bug after Fass was closed while minimized

Version 0.6

NEW: New button 'Post Preview' generates and opens a local preview of your post in your web browser, using the html template 'preview.txt'
CNG: 'Edit preview.txt' added to 'Fass > Advanced' menu
CNG: 'Copy Post' and 'Preview Post' give error if message contains less than 3 characters (same behaviour as IPB)
CNG: Added standard PawSoft 'PawSoft on the Web' menu items, including check for update link

Version 0.5

- Post generator system rewritten to allow for full tag customization - manual post generator dialog dynamically created at runtime according to the tags defined in tags.txt, also used by auto mode
- Open/Save draft available in Fass menu, user reminded on exit if they have not saved draft or copied post
- New skin color settings in preferences for changing the look of Fass
- New preferences setting to automatically remove 3 or more consecutive line breaks when copying post
- Insert menu - date/time moved to the insert config file - date/time format and string is now customisable and can be removed
- Dragging and dropping of text in post box enabled
- Updated the program icon to an inverted IPB v-shape, part of the new Fass logo

Version 0.4

- Redesigned main interface to look just like the IPB post page
- New menu "Insert" added with user-configurable insert text items
- New menu added "Fass > Advanced" for opening the config files for editing
- Better explanations on use given in the default config files
- "Clear All" menu item added

Version 0.3

- News (manual and auto) now based on a template system - edit the file template.txt to configure how the news is formatted

Version 0.21

- About menu added - ReadMe.txt, Fass website and Aboot
- Added keyboard shortcuts for bold, italics and underline buttons
- Added web link to news forum, moved news links out of preferences and into web.txt
- Added Yahoo! News to default web links menu and sorted links alphabetically

Version 0.2

- News source URL and news source name are guessed from news article URL in both manual and auto modes
- Auto news posting - capture required information from clipboard
- Manual news posting - enter required information onto a form to create the news post
- Web menu, links loaded from web.txt, default news websites included
- Edit menu with 100-level undo/redo, replaces default textbox edit menu
- Ctrl+Backspace deletes last word
- Preferences dialog with settings for copy post button and news posting url

Version 0.11

- "News" button improved, now asks if old post should be deleted (Yes, No, Cancel)
- "Post News" button added, opens the community news post URL